Staffelberg-Bräu - Mai-Bock
Staffelberg-Bräu, Loffeld, Bad Staffelstein, Lichtenfels, Oberfranken, Bayern
- Typ Untergärig, Maibock
- Alkohol 7% vol.
- Stammwürze 16%
- Empfohlene Trinktemperatur
- Biobier nein
- Dieses Bier ist klar und ohne Hefe
- Probier mal sagt kein Benutzer
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Aktuelle Bierbewertung
75% Rezension zum Staffelberg-Bräu - Mai-Bock von JPB-76

500 ml capped bottle. Poured in the original Staffelberg-Bräu stemmed glass a crystal clear and bright golden coloured M B with a two fingers fine, dense, light soapy and off-white foamy head that had a very long retention and tons of micro bubbles.Soft carbonation. Good lacing.The aroma is sweety malts, honey tones and moderate grassy hops.The flavour is sweety malts, candy sugar, honey notes, a fine fruity, citrussy, touch and , on the background a well assertive alcoholic feel.The mouthfeel is quite fulled, round. velvety and a bit sticky. The texture is oily.This medium to full bodied Mai Bock has a long sweety malts finish and a warming continuation.Brewed in Loffeld, Upper Franconia, by the Staffelberg-Bräu, this Mai-Bock is not easy drinkable. The pronounced and continuous alcoholic feel all the tasting brings with it a hardly tolerable burn. For respect to the brewer, I completed my 500 ml bottle. Another one ? No, thanks !