Axiom - Parabolica
Axiom Brewery, Průmyslová 3, Prostějov, Olomoucký kraj, Tschechien
- Typ Obergärig, India Pale Ale (IPA)
- Alkohol 6.2% vol.
- Stammwürze 16%
- Empfohlene Trinktemperatur
- Biobier nein
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Aktuelle Bierbewertung
78% Rezension zum Axiom - Parabolica von JPB-76
330 ml, can, 40 IBU, 61 kcal / 100 ml. Poured an unpasteurised, hazy, almost opaque and reddish-amber coloured IPA with a two fingers light beige, fine and soapy foamy head that had a long retention and tons of micro bubbles. Soft carbonation. Good lacing.The aroma is powerful hoppy, citrus, pales malts, caramel tones, botanic flowers, lemongrass.The flavour is piney and floral hops, lemongrass on a solid malty base, spicy, ginger, bergamot and fruity, grapefruits, oranges.The mouthfeel is thick, quite fulled and velvety. The texture is oily.This medium bodied IPA has a long hoppy bitter finish.This Parabolica is brewed in the Czech Republic, in Prostějov, Region Olomouc by the young Axiom Brewery. It's a quite simple IPA, effective perfumed and pretty nice. I enjoyed it.