Ammerndorfer KellerTrunk
Ammerndorfer Bier, Ammerndorf, Fürth, Mittelfranken, Bayern
- Typ Untergärig, Zwickel/Kellerbier
- Alkohol 4.9% vol.
- Stammwürze 11.8%
- Empfohlene Trinktemperatur
- Biobier nein
- Dieses Bier ist hefetrüb
- Probier mal sagt kein Benutzer
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Aktuelle Bierbewertung
58% Pleasant, but a little underwealming von Saxon
On opening, there was some aroma of slight malt and toffee, though this lessened a lot in the glass
It poured unfiltered with an inviting mid amber hue and mid carbonation.
Initial taste was a little underwhelming.
It was not bad, just too subtle and did not deliver an obvious character.
There was some slight sweet malt which was accompanied by a good amount of carbonation on the tongue. The rest however was fairly unassuming, with low bitterness and low hops in the background.
So in summary, this was a nice looking beer that is pleasant to drink but not one that sets the pulse racing within Franconian beers.
I did try to score higher but it never developed beyond average.