Bellus - Blonde
- Typ Obergärig, Belgian Blonde Ale
- Alkohol 6% vol.
- Stammwürze
- Empfohlene Trinktemperatur
- Biobier nein
- Dieses Bier ist hefetrüb
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Aktuelle Bierbewertung
78% Rezension zum Bellus - Blonde von JPB-76
750 ml caged & corked bottle, purchased at the brewery. Poured an unpasteurized, unfiltered, murky and bright golden coloured Belgian Blonde with a generous two fingers very fine, dense, creamy and almost white foamy head that had a very long retention and tons of micro bubbles.
Soft carbonation. Great lacing.
The aroma is powerful pale malts and fruity, pears, quince.
The flavour is pale sweety malts, moderate grassy hops and fruity, pears, quince, apples.
The mouthfeel is round, creamy, fizzy, sweety and very smooth. The texture is oily.
This medium to full bodied Belgian Ale has a dry malty and fruity finish.
This Bellus Blonde is brewed in a small farm-brewery, in the region Hauts-de-France. Bellus Blonde, well balanced and easy going, offered a great tasting. Not only the bottle is the view worth, but also the contents is more that the try worth. I enjoyed it,