Au Baron - Cuvée des Jonquilles
Brasserie Au Baron, Gussignies, Nord, Hauts-de-France, Frankreich
- Typ Obergärig, Bière de Garde
- Alkohol 7% vol.
- Stammwürze
- Empfohlene Trinktemperatur liegt bei 7°C
- Biobier nein
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Aktuelle Bierbewertung
82% Rezension zum Au Baron - Cuvée des Jonquilles von JPB-76
750 ml corked & caged bottle, 16 IBU , 9 EBC, purchased at the brewery. Poured in the original designed Cuvée des Jonquilles tulip glass an unfiltered, cloudy and pale yellow coloured BdG with a huge two fingers, almost white, dense and creamy foamy head that had a long retention and tons of micro bubbles.Soft carbonation. Nice lacing. The aroma is yeast, wheaty and pale barley malts, fruity notes.The flavour is rich, yeast, pale light sweety malts, herbal tones, lemongrass and fruity notes, oranges, bananas, pears.The mouthfeel is creamy, quite prickly and fulled, pleasant bitter and smooth.This medium bodied BdG has a pleasant bitter finish.Well balanced and refreshing this Cuvée des Jonquilles is brewed not close but, incredibely, " on " the border-line France-Belgium, in Gussignie by the Brasserie Au Baron. It's, for me, an always welcome tasting experience. Cuvée des Jonquilles is a solid representative of the style Bière de Garde and one of the best beer brewed on the French territory.I enjoyed it