3 Fonteinen - Zwet.be
Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen, Beersel, Vlaamse Brabant, Flandern, Belgien
- Typ Obergärig, Porter
- Alkohol 7% vol.
- Stammwürze
- Empfohlene Trinktemperatur
- Biobier nein
- Dieses Bier ist hefetrüb
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Aktuelle Bierbewertung
83% Rezension zum 3 Fonteinen - Zwet.be von JPB-76
330 ml capped bottle, purchased at the brewery in Beersel. Poured in the original 3 Fonteinen stemmed glass an unfiltered and dark burgundy , close to black, coloured Porter with a two fingers fine, creamy and tan foamy head that had a very long retention and tons of micro bubbles.
Low carbonation. Great lacing.
The aroma is deep roasted malts, dark fruits, dark cherries, coffeish and notes of ashes.
The flavour is yeast, roasted malts, roasted coffee beans, dark chocolate, fruity, sour cherries, prunes, spicy, licorice , woody and ashes notes.
The mouthfeel is fulled, thick, creamy, tarty and intense bitter. The texture is watery.
This fulled Porter has a dry malty, coffeish and sourish fruits finish.
This 3 Fonteinen Zwet.be is not brewed in Beersel but in Lochchristi at the De Proef brewery. This well flavoured original Flemish Porter offered a beautiful moment of emotion. I enjoyed it